Good rental relationships - tips for tenants and landlords

The moment a tenant signs a lease agreement, the rental journey begins. With a strong foundation, the experience can be rewarding for all parties. Tenants and landlords should work on building a positive relationship as this comes with many benefits. And it doesn't have to be difficult. De Lucia Group, rental property professionals, shares the value of keeping on good terms and how to put in the effort. 

Importance of good rental relationships

Landlords take time to find a tenant worth their weight in gold while tenants search hard to find a rental home that fits their needs. All this work shouldn't be undone by a relationship not built on trust and mutual respect. Even more so, the cordial relationship is beneficial to all parties involved. 

For tenants, a healthy landlord relationship can see your consideration returned in equal measure. A happy landlord will be more likely to cut you some slack if you're late on a rental payment or make a minor lease violation. They'll be less inclined to increase your rental rates and will attend to your maintenance requests even quicker. If you decide to move out, your relationship could earn you a glowing testimonial, endorsing you to other landlords. 

For landlords, keeping your tenant sweet will factor into decisions they make to move out, minimising your vacancy rates. If they do decide to move out, they will be more likely to refer a friend or provide a recommendation that can help you market your property. Happy tenants will be more inclined to take care of your rental property and be easier to deal with if a problem arises.

Rental relationship tips for tenants

Your relationship with your landlord is a business agreement. By respecting your lease agreement, you will stay on your landlord's good side and maintain a harmonious living situation.

Read your lease agreement: It is your responsibility to read through your contract and understand the terms. Talk to your landlord or rental agent if you are unclear about any part - this will prevent conflict in the future. 

Follow your lease agreement terms: Breaking the terms of your lease agreement is grounds for termination. Follow the rules! There should be no temptation to bring in a pet, sublet, or start a business at your premises if your lease agreement forbids this.

Pay your bills on time: Good tenants pay their rent on time and in full. If you think you will forget, set a reminder on your phone or create a debit order. If you feel you will run short, let your landlord know so they can put a plan in place. Remember, chasing up rent can be tedious and your landlord could be relying on your rent for their bond repayment. 

Maintain your property: A dream tenant will treat the property as if it was their own. Keep the property clean, spruce up the garden regularly, and make sure fitted fixtures and appliances are handled with care. 

Keep communication lines open: Whether it's a maintenance risk, security breach, or neighbour issue, it's important to convey this to your landlord. Speaking up doesn't just impact your living arrangement. A leak, for example, could become a costly fix for a landlord if not attended to immediately.

Rental relationship tips for landlords

To successfully manage your rental property, having a good relationship with your tenant is vital. By investing time in the process, you can save the stress of searching for new tenants and ensure your property remains in tip-top condition. 

Abide by the lease agreement: A lease agreement in keeping with the Rental Housing Act sets very clear expectations for both the tenant and landlord. You should ensure you follow the agreement consistently to prevent any future issues.

Be accessible when needed: Being in contact with your tenant establishes a good relationship. When a maintenance request or issue arises, your tenants should be able to get in touch with you. While you aren't expected to attend to every matter, being accessible will help you build trust. 

Get updates and fixes done promptly: Maintenance issues can impact the quality of your tenant's living experience. Where it is your responsibility to fix, ensure you get this done ASAP. A timely response can help ease their stress and get their lives back on track. 

Upgrade the property: If you wouldn't want to live in your property, why would anyone else? Invest in creating a liveable experience for your tenant; by ensuring it is a cut above the properties in the area, you will secure their tenancy. 

Respect your tenant's privacy: The Rental Housing Act protects your tenant's right to undisturbed use of their property. You are entitled to inspect or evaluate the property but should make prior arrangements with the tenant. 

Trust De Lucia Group for your rental needs

With years of experience, De Lucia Group can bridge the gap between tenants and landlords. 

For tenants, we can help you find your ideal rental property and guide you through the leasing process. By going through your lease agreement, we empower you to live comfortably, abiding by your contract. 

For landlords, we offer rental services that help you pinpoint your ideal tenant. Our property management services care for the upkeep of your property, ensuring your tenant has a pleasant living experience. 

To find out more about our listings and services, send a message to our team today. You can also call Michael De Lucia directly on 082 493 1089 or email michaeldl@delucia.co.za for advice.


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25 Aug 2021
Author De Lucia Group
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