Latest News

Sectional-title insurance is mandatory, but what does it cover?

23 Feb 2020
Those living in sectional-title buildings pay levies every month and included in this amount is a contribution known as sectional-title insurance.

So how does the voting process work when electing Trustees?

24 Jan 2020
Attendance at the schemes Annual General Meeting is crucial in order for the meeting to proceed, and for decisions taken at the meeting to be binding.

Essential words related to sectional-titles

24 Jan 2020
If you've recently moved into a home located in a sectional-title property such as an apartment, complex or duplex, chances are you may be overwhelmed

A new year means AGM time for sectional-titles

24 Dec 2019
As a new year begins, sectional-title property owners need to get ready for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) where each owner can discuss important issues relat

What is the responsibility of the Community Scheme Ombud?

20 Nov 2019
In every sectional-title property, good governance is the cornerstone of a well-maintained building where residents are happy and proud to live.

Breaking Down Trustee Governance - A Guide To Duties Of Trustees

25 Oct 2019
Trustees are the elected representatives of the owners in a sectional-title scheme who are entrusted to manage the scheme in good faith

Breaking Down the Ten Year Maintenance Plan

30 Sep 2019
If you've been following our articles on sectional-titles, you would've come to realise that managing a sectional-title property comes with many rules

Differences between an administrative and reserve fund budget

13 Sep 2019
Levies are considered the lifeblood of every sectional-title scheme as these are used to cover all the costs associated with the scheme. Levies are paid by the

Simple Overview of Homeowners' Associations

04 Jul 2019
When the topic of Homeowners' Association (HOA) is brought up, many new homebuyers are unsure about its roles, functions, and whether or not it applies to them.

Sectional-title buyers, watch out for special levies

24 May 2019
For many, the appeal of sectional-titles lies in its convenience. A Body Corporate can take the stress and frustration out of property ownership.
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